Ventix Ticketing System

An all-in-one software package that encompasses several facets of event management and ticketing across all conventional departments.

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Project Information

  • Sector:Event Management & Hospitality
  • Type:Web & Mobile Application
  • Target Market:National Theatres, Local Council, Conference Centres

Background & Challenge

The founders of Ventix have extensive experience in major events and venue management, both domestic and international, across a variety of disciplines. From Brisbane’s Expo 88 as AAP/Reuters international media centre, pavilion news centres and events manager. Central Queensland’s International Beef Expo 2000 events, marketing and sponsorship managers.

All this experience gave rise to the stark reality that getting ticketing, event management, accounting and workflow software programs to integrate and communicate with each other proved to be an extremely frustrating management challenge.

The Founders engaged Codimea to develop a front to back, fully custom event management and ticketing system, flexible but robust, and built on world-leading technology.

Core Project Deliverables

  • Cloud Based
  • Realtime Venue Monitoring
  • Mobile Scanning App
  • Dynamic Room Builder
  • Collaboration Suite
  • Device Agnostic
  • Marketing Integration
  • Intelligent Diary

Solution & Features

Codimea was able to deliver a complete Ticketing and Event Management Solution.

Ventix ticketing works on the latest in data technologies. Tickets are able to be purchased and combined in any configuration, confirmations and transaction histories are easily and instantly available, and scanning delivers instant realtime venue feedback.

Ventix includes a smooth, intuitive drag and drop floorplanner. This tool allows for all manner of different rooms, seating configurations and venue profiles to be customised to granular detail. Customers can easily select their available seats, see pricing and make their purchases.

Ventix comes with a device-agnostic mobile scanner companion app. This app can be used on any compatible iPhone or Android device to scan tickets, receive feedback results, and upload/sync details remotely into the main Ventix system.